“Thoughts are the great purveyors of the soul to bring in provision to satisfy its affections”

John Owen, Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers
excerpt from Overcoming Sin and Temptation

From Overcoming Sin and Temptation | Sin aims always at the utmost

“Sin aims at the utmost; every time it rises up to tempt or entice, might it have its own course, it would go out to the utmost sin in that kind. Every unclean thought or glance would be adultery if it could; every covetous desire would be oppression, every thought of unbelief would be atheism, might it grow to its head.”

John Owen, Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers
excerpt from Overcoming Sin and Temptation

Charles Spurgeon: On Isaiah 45:22

“Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.” Isaiah 45:22

“First, to whom does God tell us to look for salvation? O, does it not lower the pride of man, when we hear the Lord say, ‘Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth?’ It is not, ‘Look to your priest, and be ye saved:’ if you did, there would be another god, and beside him there would be some one else. It is not, ‘Look to yourself;’ if so, then there would be a being who might arrogate some of the praise of salvation. But it is ‘Look unto me.’ How frequently you who are coming to Christ look to yourselves. ‘O!’ you say, ‘I do not repent enough.’ That is looking to yourself. ‘I do not believe enough.’ That is looking to yourself. ‘I am too unworthy.’ That is looking to yourself. ‘ I cannot discover,’ says another, ‘that I have any righteousness.’ It is quite right to say that you have not any righteousness; but it is quite wrong to look for any. It is, ‘Look unto me.’ God will have you turn your eye off yourself and look unto him. The hardest thing in the world is to turn a man’s eye off himself; as long as he lives, he always has a predilection to turn his eyes inside, and look at himself; whereas God says, ‘Look unto me.'”

Charles Spurgeon in his sermon, Sovereignty and Salvation.

“There is nothing in this Bible which is unimportant.”

Charles Spurgeon in his sermon, The Bible.

“We, who are the advocates of the truth, are often very poor pleaders; we spoil our cause by the words we use; but it is a mercy that the brief is in the hand of a special pleader, who will advocate successfully, and overcome the sinner’s opposition.”

Charles Spurgeon in his sermon, The Comforter.

Isn’t it amazing how the Holy Spirit uses the fumbled words of our awkward attempts to explain the glorious gospel to penetrate the hearts of men.

“Think not, O poor downcast child of God, because the scars of thine old sins have marred thy beauty, that he loves thee less because of that blemish.”

Charles Spurgeon in his sermon, The Comforter.

“God is so vastly wonderful, so utterly and completely delightful that He can, without anything other than Himself, meet and overflow the deepest demands of our total nature, mysterious and deep as that nature is.” — A.W. Tozer

The Pursuit of God

“He has canceled our debt but didn’t leave us debt-free beggars. He also made us rich. That is a debt that can lead us into rejoicing.” – Ed Welch